My life right now is a mess!
Yes a total hot mess.
I am surprisingly calm considering that I have 2 deadlines this week, the assignments for which I have yet to start. Story of my life really. I started my 3rd year at university with the mantra "I will not leave anything until the last minute this year" FAMOUS LAST WORDS!
I am finding myself switching between watching Youtube videos, looking at memes on Tickld, trying to buy Christmas presents for my family and just general procrastination. Why can't I focus on the task at hand?
If I have learnt anything from my last 2 years at uni, it's that leaving everything until the last minute usually results in me sitting at my laptop until the silly hours of the morning, weeping onto my keyboard cursing the day I ever decided to go to uni. However I still manage to get the work done, just. I seem to work so much faster under pressure, but sometimes I feel like the stress is going to give me an aneurysm. Yet I still do it. I know i'm not alone as on many occasions my other all nighter buddies pop up on Facebook in the same blind panic as me, asking what my word count is and then cursing the fact that they have done even less. It's some comfort I guess.
Even now as I type, I'm putting more effort and time into writing this blog post than my assignment that is open in another window. Actually this post is just me finding a way to procrastinate further and just so happens to be more words than I have written of my assignment, all week!
So the moral of this poorly written story is to never leave assignments until the last minutes!
It's not logical
It's not healthy
It's not fun
and it's clearly what i'm going to continue doing until I finish University!
This post has had no direction from the start so i'll end it here and return to my own personal hell.
Wish me luck